The Blog module consists of a suite of five integrated modules that enable authorized users to create and maintain a blog (web log). Here's an overview of these five modules:
- Blog_Archive: Displays a monthly calendar. Select a calendar day to view all related blog entries in the Most recent blog entries module. Days which have a blog entry are highlighted on the calendar. Below the calendar a Monthly list of links to all previous months with blog entries is provided.
- Blog_List: Displays a linked list of all existing blogs and a View All Recent Entries link to all recent blog entries. Links to private blogs are only visible to the blog owner.
- New_Blog: Enables authorized users to create a new blog, access the Blog Settings page and add a blog entry to their own blog/s.
- Search_Blog: Enables all users to search blogs by keywords or a phrase. Searches can be made across all blogs or can be limited to a single blogs. Results are displayed in the View_Blog module.
- View_Blog module:
- All Users can view blog entries and blog search results in this module. Users may be enabled to add comments.
- Bloggers can create, edit and delete their own blog entries as well approve, edit or delete comments added to their blog. This module also provides access to the Blog Settings page where blog details and setting are configured, where comments can be enabled or disabled and where child blogs can be created.
- Administrators have access all of the above functionality as well as access to the Module Options page of this module. Here they enable and setup blog comments, set the layout and word limit of blogs in this module, and enable DNN Search. Administrators can optionally provide bloggers with to access the Blog Settings page via this module's menu.