About LNA
LNA for Innovative Solution
LNA for Innovative Solutions is a Jordanian LLC company based & registered in Amman. Through its existence in the market, LNA managed to prove experience and established itself as a popular Internet consulting (e-marketing & e-services) and IT-training resource in Jordan and abroad. The Company is active in a number of online & offline marketing areas. These include web solutions, training, print design, media and press, and public relations activities aimed to popularize the client’s company through the use of modern tools.
LNA Partners/ Joint Venture:
- KAFAHALI is a Professional Consulting Group focused on combining strategy, creativity and technology in order to deliver measurable results on time and on budget for our clients.
Founded in 2005, KAFAHALI is a privately owned Professional Consulting Group, based in Amman Jordan.
KAFAHALI Management is a dynamic team of savvy and experienced technology professionals ready to work with your firm to achieve its goals. Our strength is our people, our passion is technology.
- MSTART Founded in 2000, MSTART has an established network that offers you complete e-business solutions with a global reach. Get there first. Get there better. MSTART is a privately owned Internet management company, based in Montreal Canada.
- ITcon is a Jordanian company that is specialized in IT consulting and computer related services. ITcon provides engineering consulting, network consulting, network infrastructure, what we can deliver and we strive never to mislead our clients
- YouConvertIt.com, the world's first and most complete conversion, file storage, units conversion website allowing internet users to convert audio video images and documents into an array of formats also sending or delivering file(s). YouConvertIt.com support unit conversion of thousands of types making it easy for users to reach one stop shop without the need to jump from one location to another.
YouConvertIt.com’s service is free, instant, and does not require any tedious download and software installations.
- Unitemenet LLC is the parent company of WujWuj.com, which was founded in July 2007 after searching for but unable to find an acceptable online gift registry service on behalf of a friend.
WujWuj.com is the true pioneer of its category, revolutionizing registries and wishlists. It's not just creating an occasion but bringing family and friends together to collaborate, leave messages, upload photos and make contributions. Unlike other registries, WujWuj.com purchases the gifts and then ships them to the designated destination.
LNA main suppliers:
- WSI an international company specialized in web solutions and internet services its headquarter in Toronto, Canada, currently rated the #1 Internet Services Business in the World and the 4th fastest-growing International offices, WSI recognizes that as Internet technologies emerge and continue to influence the way we do business, having a website is simply not enough. Businesses must conform to and capitalize on this change with the help of a partner committed to positioning clients at the forefront of the digital revolution.
LNA employees guarantee clients a technologically advanced, search engine friendly website by exercising the ABCs of Internet Success (Advanced Technology, Being Found and Consultation and Education).
- Docuware an international Document management system, Founded in 1988, DocuWare has over 6,000 installations with tens of thousands of users in over 50 countries. DocuWare offers a scalable solution that can expand enterprise-wide. Over 400 Authorized DocuWare Partners make up a worldwide independent reseller network, employing over 1000 DocuWare experts who bring DocuWare close to its customers. DocuWare AG is based in Germering near Munich, Germany. The company’s US subsidiary, DocuWare Corporation, is located in Newburgh, New York and is responsible for all activities in North, Central and South America. DocuWare Ltd., its subsidiary in London, handles all activities for Great Britain and Ireland.